aubuti Wrote: 
> I pretty much agree with this view, and want to add something that is
> obvious, but hasn't been mentioned in this thread, which is that SB is
> multi-platform. So whether SD decided to bundle other programs to
> rip/tag/etc. or develop their own, they'd have to do it for Windows,
> Mac, and Linux. So all the management headaches that radish mentions
> are multiplied by a factor of 3 (at least).

I think that pretty much much hits the nail on the head.

Thinking about it, there is one posible other option - SD chucking in
shareware software (for all three platforms) as an 'extra'. It could
work that the software maker provided all the support for the software
(clearly stated on the packaging that it's not official SD software)
AND took a cut from the registrations.

The customer could get a taste of some posible software they would
like, SD could make a little bit of extra profit, and the software
houses would have a new way of promoting and distrobuting thier own
products. A bit like the PC magazines and some other hardware makers
already do.

That just came of the top of my head, might be a daft idea.

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