rhyzome;135634 Wrote: 
> Muhahahahaha. I knew ditching the Squeezeboxes and going the Mac way was
> a good idea. Waiting in anticipation for the iTV, exactly what I wanted.
> A silent Front Row front end. 
> All of you guys yammering about displays -  got no remotes on your flat
> screen tellys?

Wait until you actually try it to start talking about how great it is. 
The Xbox 360 plus XP Media Center gives (and has given for a year now)
basically the same experience that Front Row plus the iTV will give,
and I find it to be substantially less usable than the Squeezebox for
simple music listening.

For photo viewing on an HDTV, the 360/MCE combination is excellent; for
HD movie trailers, it works wonderfully (and I hope that HD-DVD's
managed copy functionality gets a solid implementation once things are
more shaken out, so I can watch all my movies streamed off a server);
but for music, having to use a TV is just a pain.

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