1) Ok, inline storage....

I could give up on it, but I think some additional internal memory
would allow the unit to buffer a stream for period of time, so that any
intermittment drops in network performance could be handled better.

2) Those of you asking, why not just get a RIO, sandisk, etc??  I guess
my request on inline storage confused matters.  

3) Why not a softsqueeze link via a laptop?....laptops are too big...I
want a truly portable, put in my pocket, squeezebox that I will listen
to with earphones, or super easy to plug into boom boxes, etc....

Microsoft's ZUNE devices are going to have this.  And they will be able
to link to media centers and other services via the devices.  They will
be able to do both inline storage and connect to outside services.

I want Slim Devices to come out with a portable unit to do the same,
which should be able to wirelessly connect to slimdevices servers,
squeezenetwork, and hopefully online music lockers.

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