Most people dont like the idea of a small independant company with a
good track record being taken over by a large multi-national; always
fearing (often rightly) that product quality, support takes a nose
dive. This may happen even now - we can hope not and that certainly
over the next year or so hope that the support / intervention in the
design process is not too severe. 

In the long run it would be good to have devices which can be modified
using a relatively open hardware platform - and that
Slim-Logitech-Devices allow this to occur. One possability would be to
use modular designs - if they downgrade the DAQ chip / circuit then use
a standard layout so that others can easily interchange the circuit -
e.g. something like a small mini-pci type / memory connector to bridge
to a new board. Similarly I would hope SLD were open to listing basic
product specifications. Often it is the user community which can find,
spot and possibly fix a bug / fault before a large corporate group can.

Perhaps there could be a mass market for a SB-Lite; SB-Pro;

In the meantime I hope that the SB / Transporter range continues 
unchanged and reliable.

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