I'm running an SB1 and an SB3 (both wired) with SlimServer 6.5.0 - 9916
- Windows XP - EN - cp1252. 

Everything is fine with the SB3, but the SB1 is really struggling with
FLAC and MP3 playback. Every two or three minutes the SB1 loses it's
connection and the music cuts out for about 20 secs. It seems to be
worse with FLAC than MP3, but does happen with both. I also get a
dropouts which last less than a second occsionally with the SB1. 

It's fine playing internet radio through AlienBBC.

The CPU is 1.8GHz Pentium M and there's plenty of RAM. I've checked the
event log and there's nothing relevant in there. 

Any ideas?

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