Adriaan van Nijendaal;165319 Wrote: 
> I did not mean to start another *sigh* debate on the pros and cons of
> organizing a library in any particular way. Why can't you respect that
> my library is broken (in your view)?

You can have your library as messed up and chaotic as you want.  I pity
the day you decide to fix album art or years on albums, though.  Just
which directory should cover.jpg be in?

> I WOULD like to have an option 'variousArtistAreSplit' that stops the
> server from taking the physical location of a track into account. YOU
> would set it to 0 and keep your lib as it is; I would set it to 1 and
> be happy as well.

You would also need the Common Titles flag back, unless you really like
seeing albums called "Greatest Hits" or whatever with a hundred tracks
by different artists...

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