Wombat;166872 Wrote: 
> Your Pioneer even shouldn´t know it was an mp3 before cause the
> Squeeezebox sends completely decoded bits to it :)

I hear you, but the newer receivers' on the market today (highend ones)
are made to work with IPOD's XM radio and other compressed music
formats.  The Pioneer elite VSX 80 line and the Yamaha V2700 are made
to work with these type of formats. The Yamaha has an cat5 port on the
rear for direct connection to your PC and internet along with a USB
port for thumb drives.  The Pioneer has ports for IPOD connection
(comes with cable) and XM radio.


Pioneer Elite Fall in!
SqueezeBox 3 
Pioneer Elite VSX-81TX
Pioneer Elite DV-45A
Pioneer Elite M53 CD
Pioneer M66R Cassette

Server running on
P4 2.8 gigHz
2 gig DDR Dual Channel ram
Xp Home edtion Sp2
2x 80 gigHD(music/SS on same drive)
Linksys 54g wireless router
PCI Linksys 54g adapter card w/HG antana
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