Maybe I'm a bit thick tonight but can you confirm that aside from not
leaking handles, on your system you see NO change in behaviour of
SlimTray between my version and the official version.

With regard to mysqld - by design in SS6.5.1 in Windows mySQLD is not
shut down - it possible that decision was made because you can't tell
if MySQLD it belongs to slimserver or not.  In SS7.0 there is now code
to shut mysqld down in response to a bug report. It's possible Dan was
mixed up about which version was being discussed Unix or Windows  6.5.x
or 7.0 behaviour.

The comment in the file in SS 6.5.1  

  =head2 stopServer()
  Bring down our private copy of MySQL server.
  This is a no-op if you are using a pre-configured copy of MySQL.
  Or are running MySQL as a Windows service.

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