MrSinatra;186523 Wrote: 
> OT:
> can someone point me to the solar data that was mentioned earlier?

With apologies for continuing to be off-topic, but it'll be my only

There was a TV programme on in the UK last night that discussed this
whole topic - here's a very quick summary of some of the comments -
again their comments not mine, so not flaming please!

CO2 levels apparently lag rising temperatures by about 800 years, the
time it takes for the seas to warm up and release more into the
atmosphere (the sea is the largest source of CO2 by far apparently) -
Al Gore misrepresented this data on his film according to some.
Volcanoes are the next biggest emitter of CO2, cars and planes are way
down the list.

There is no proven connection showing CO2 levels leading temperature
rises, there *is* a closer connection between Sun spot activity and
temperature rises. More sun spots, higher temperatures - and this has
been measured for centuries by observers.

It has been a lot warmer and colder than this in the past - ice records
show this and we've been warming up for decades already, long before the
level of industrialisation in China and India contributed anything.
England was hotter than now and covered in vineyards in medieval times,
and the Thames occasionally froze over a few centuries later. Europe was
covered in jungle for a long time too.

You stand a lot more chance of obtaining funding as a scientist if you
are pro global warming than against it. Can't vouch for that, but it
makes sense in a perverse way, scientific endevear is closely tied to
funding nowadays - and getting published seems to need more and more
outlandish claims. Saying everything is normal doesn't cut it.

OK, sorry for being OT, but for those of you interested, the programme
was called something like "the Global Warming Swindle". It's always
good to get a balanced view of all the arguments.

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