whitman;207542 Wrote: 
> Erland, haven't you just answered your own question, by mentioning the
> straightforward and efficient iTunes? Dare I suggest that most people
> get a Squeezebox (and therefore Slimserver) becasue they're into music?
> And that most people into digital music these days will have iTunes?
> Problem solved, surely?
Sure, iTunes would solve a big part of the problem. So everything would
be fine if Logitech actually recommend people that the easiest way to
use SlimServer is to use the iTunes integration and provide a default
installation of SlimServer that where setup this way. But today they
don't as far as I know, they just show all the possibilities and
choices which can get a bit overwhelming for some people. This is my
point, provide a default software and adjust the SlimServer
installation so it is really easy to use SlimServer with this software.
The software might be iTunes or might be something else, the exact
software isn't important as long as it is easy to use. Some problem
with iTunes is that people will start to ask why they can't play their
new music purchased from the iTunes Music Store. Another problem is
that since iTunes also can play music, they will ask why the play
button in iTunes can't result in that the Squeezebox starts to play.
After all the iTunes user interface is so much easier to use than the
SlimServer web interface. The bundled ripping/tagging software would
need to support Windows (and maybe Mac), Linux users will be able to
use the more advanced settings to use SlimServer with another
tagging/ripping software. 

I can't use iTunes myself since both my desktop and server is running
Linux, but I'm not "average Joe" so that is not a problem as long as
SlimServer still makes it possible to use other tagging/ripping
software than the bundled one. I'm also using FLAC which is currently
not supported in iTunes, but average Joe will be happy with standard
mp3, so that shouldn't be an issue. 

DrNic;207596 Wrote: 
> @Erland: Where exactly is the big issue with ripping/tagging?
> It really isn't that difficult in my experience. I have progressed from
> starting with iTunes doing it all at the very beginning to using EAC
> (with MAREO) and tag tweaking (if ever necessary) with MP3Tag. Even
> with the different systems and the different ID3 tag versions (for my
> old MP3 files - I've matured to FLAC a while ago!) that this has
> produced I must obviously be very lucky and don't have Interface
> issues.
> Do we _really_ need to make it so noddy proof? There are several problems:
No specific ripping/tagging software is recommended, the result is that
users starts to use EAC and other more complex solutions when they
actually isn't ready for it, they would be much better off with
something like iTunes.

All the different tagging/ripping software works differently. The
problem with this is that SlimServer must support all the different
ways of tagging your music. I would imagine that the result is hugh
costs in:
- Testing that SlimServer is actually working with all the different
- Handling support issues that is caused by some behavior in a tagging
- Implementing support in SlimServer for all the different variations
of tagging
For people that knows how to use a computer this might not be a big
issue because they can help to find the actual problem. But if you have
tried to instruct someone that hardly knows what a window is and calls
their operating system Microsoft Office you get what I mean.

But in the end, I think the important thing is to decide who the target
user is. The target user might not be average Joe and then the
tagging/ripping part of the process might not be as important.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35906

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