I would have bought a boombox had one been available at a reasonable
rate - in fact ... if the Roku Soundbridge Radio had been available
closer to its originally announced delivery date, I would have bought
it rather than my 2nd Squeezebox.

FYI - I have never seen a set of iPod speakers in use, except in shops.
That may well be that the other houses that we visit all have hifi's -
but I have never seen one in a kitchen or office.
I don't doubt that there are millions of them sold and lots of them in

Hopefully someone somewhere has done some good market research - given
that this is an established market (iPod add-ons) to see if a
Squeezebox-style device could sell into that sort of user base.

I'm going to nip back over to the other Boombox threads to re-read what
people said there as it is a while since I read them.

Paul Webster

Paul Webster
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