mvalera;212724 Wrote: 
> Where do they use them:
> >   >   > Kitchens> > 
> >   >   > Bedrooms> > 
> >   >   > Offices (at home and work)> > 
> >   >   > Living Rooms (yes this is because they, gasp... don't own a 
> > stereo)> > 
> >   >   > In the garage (I work on my car)> > 
> >   >   > On the patio/porch/pool/deck> > 
> >   >   > On the road (hotel)> > 
> Basically anywhere they don't have a real stereo setup. 
> Mike

I own 2 squeezeboxes and there are 2 iPods in the house - mine and my
wife's.  We have a Klipsch iGroove (iPod speaker system) in the

Would I prefer a Squeezebox setup in the kitchen?  Sure, but it's cost
prohibitive and it would take up too much space.  Would I use a
hypothetical squeezeboombox?  Probably not.  I spent a good month
researching and testing different iPod speaker solutions - I'm picky. 
With the boombox, I would have no choices.  Since squeezebox doesn't
have the ecosystem that iPod has, it's safe to say that there would be
at most 2 choices.

What about a squeezebox that is the size of an iPod with an iPod dock
connector?  Then all of a sudden you are compatable with a huge
selection of accessories.  But I'll bet that Apple has a patent on the
dock connector.

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