Have you visited the 'Slim Devices wiki Beginner's Guide'
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BeginnersGuide)? It has tons of
useful user-contributed information. 

As for not being able to add or change tag information in SS, that is
by design. SS is meant to stream your music, not rip, or tag, or do
anything else. I rather like the fact that it never modifies my files,
which is something I can't say for other audio software, especially

SS *will* show you information such as who is playing what on what
tracks, but only if you already have it in the tags, and they are the
correct tags. The metadata that SS presents is only what each user has
in the tags in his library. It's not at all the case that "we all get
the same information." If your tags are detailed and mine are a mess, I
get a mess and you get the details.

If you are going to rip your CDs, you only want to do it once, so I
strongly recommend a compressed lossless format. wav is lossless, but
not compressed. wma comes in both lossless and lossy flavors. mp3 is
lossy. My preference, and those of a lot of other SB users is flac
(Free Lossless Audio Codec). It's lossless, so it preserves all of the
data in the original CD, bit for bit. It's compressed, so the files are
typically 35-50% the size of a wav file. That's still big, but hard
drives are dirt cheap. If you want smaller files for a portable player,
it is easy to transcode your lossless files to a more compact, lossy
format like mp3 or wma. Finally, SB natively supports flac, so you
don't need to waste any processor cycles transcoding, plus you can FF
and RWD tracks.

Check out the wiki, it will explain all this and much much more.


aubuti's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2074
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=39597

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