bklaas;238755 Wrote: 
> Digging my old CDs out for this would take WAY more time then just
> manually searching google for album release year. CDDB is not a good
> solution here, esp. because I don't have DiscIDs saved into the tags
> either. I started ripping music well before I understood why verbose
> tag metadata was a good idea. I'm trying to come up with a solution
> that doesn't involve the physical media.
> I will give Musicbrainz a shot, though my prior experience with that
> service has not been good.
> cheers,
> #!/ben

You can "fuzz search" cddb or musicbrainz with the media files, even if
the result are less exact than with the real disc/discid.

I think I remember musicbrainz and discogs information about release
date are not that bad, they may even include some "original release
date". If your albums are not too rare you could look at wikipedia.

But if I were you, I would a bot to query google with an algorithm like

  search google with "full album name"
  do: fetch Nth result page
  in the Nth page look for NNNN patterns near the album name
  collect all NNNN you found in the page
  while at least XX NNNN date fields are collected
  For each collected list of NNNN analyze statistically (if a date is present 
95% of time keep it silently, 75% keep it with a Notice, 50% with a warning)

This algorithm can be fooled by re-release date, but if you select a
good pattern detection you can get good results...

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