Hello HAL,

Before I start do you know how the script writes came up with the
acronym for HAL9000? I am betting you already know since that is the
handle you use, IBM minus one letter each.

Have you tried Radio Time inside of Squeezebox Network? It is free all
one has to do is sign up. Put in ones zip code or country and then pick
your radio stations that have audio streams to Squeezebox.

I have not played with the alarm setting selections on the SB yet (I
wake by whatever song the server selects at random) so I do not know is
if one can select a station in the Radio Time Favorites to wake by. If
nothing else, one could wake by a song in their music collection then
grab the remote and click on Sqeezenetwork, Internet Radio, My Local
Stations (Radio Time) and then pick a station.

Hope that helps some. Somebody with more alarm experience might be able
to bridge my gaps.

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