You've worried me now!

I believe this issue, however, relates to the scanning of the music
library. At the moment it scans when you explicitly force it, or at
scheduled intervals. Using inotify (on Linux) will ensure that it will
immediately pick up any changes to make without having to explicitly
force a rescan.

I didn't think this had anything to do with player synchronisation
(which I'll agree is actually very complex). Are we talking about the
same thing?


Michaelwagner wrote:
> I wouldn't be quick to assume the problem can be fixed in a plug-in. It
> goes quite deep.
> IIRC, sychronized players are only loosely synchronized. They each fill
> their own buffers, and play at their own speed (set by the clock crystal
> or some derivitive thereof). Sychronization code in the server stops
> them all (or at least lets them run dry) and only restarts them when
> the slowest one is finished. So the pause between tracks is needed for
> synchronized play. Any attempt at removing it (cross-fade, gapless
> play) breaks synchronized play. 
> The solution, back in R6, was expected to come from a network time
> signal that all players played to. But I don't think that got into 7.
> Without it, (or the pause between songs) synchronized players would
> unsynch within a few songs and sound awful.
> That is my recollection, although it's a year old and it is 6:30AM in
> my time zone. So it could be wrong. And I've never looked at the 7 code
> to see if the issues are still the same.
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