I have just installed SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0 - 15528 today onto my
PC running Windows Vista Ultimate.

I was hoping to configure AAC Plus, so that I can listen to AAC Plus

I have already installed AlienBBC, which is working, so I know MPlayer
is installed ok.

I downloaded the following files custom-convert.conf,
custom-strings.txt and custom-types.conf from
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?AACplus.  I put these files into
both C:\program files\squeezeCenter and C:\program
files\squeezeCenter\server, but I am not getting any audio from the AAC
Plus streams.   I am getting scrowling text showing the track and artist
names relating to the AAC Plus streams.

Have I done something wrong.  Any advice would be appreciated.

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