Richard Scales;253115 Wrote: 
> I must confess that I have not got a specific folder for compilations so
> I
> did not specify one. Neither had I specified a starting folder though
> for
> testing purposes I can see that it might help as running it against my
> entire collection takes a while!

Thx for the update. I fixed it because this should work ofcourse.

Richard Scales;253115 Wrote: 
> File system is not case sensitive (Windows) and I can confirm that cover
> art
> is named folder.jpg, cover.jpg and I seem to have a lot of dlimage.jpg
> (generated by a cover art generation script!) I assume that I could
> just
> rename these to cover.jpg etc.

No need to rename files. You can easily add you cover files used to
line 70 (of the current script version -> download again for current
version please):
sCoverFilename    = "cover.jpg,folder.jpg"

So your change would look like:
sCoverFilename    = "cover.jpg,folder.jpg,dlimage.jpg"



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