Rick B.;253420 Wrote: 
> Fistly, I have multiple genres only at the album level, not song level.
> All I meant was that you have an option to include genre in the
> printout but it only prints out one genre at random. I have a max of 3
> genres per album.
> Secondly, if I have albums in a directory D:\Slim it finds them, but it
> does't find the albums that I have in F:\Slim, even though I have a
> shorcut for F:\Slim in D:\Slim. An alternative would be to allow us to
> set up multiple drives like this: D:\Slim;F:\Slim

1: I will investigate what is needed to implement this.
On the database side there is a table linking Genres to tracks but
there is no table linking albums to genres. So the album genre or
genres must be extracted from the seperate album tracks (as a first

2: Must be possible to solve.
I just need to know how such an entry (shortcut as part of path) is
stored in the SS Database. I will create an identical path structure to

I may need some time but i'll get back on both. Thx for your comment.

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