Well, if you have iTunes on your PC then it is possible to stream music
from home, it just can't be done securely.  You can establish  a dyndns
account on the Mac at home so that you have an internet ip address for
your home machine.  Then set up your router so that ports 3483 and 9000
are forwarded to your Mac's local LAN address.

Then on your work machine, in the iTunes menu, go to Advanced | Open
Stream and enter the following:

Then in your web browser enter the address:

This should load SqueezeCenter and show your library as at home.  In
the drop down list of players in the top right side you will see a
referecne to the iTunes player (although it won't be called iTunes). 
Select this and then set it playing some music from your library and it
should come out via iTunes.

I'm not at my machine now and in any case use ssh so the details are
slightly different so I can't absolutely guarantee that the above will
work for you.   

Please be aware however that by doing this you will be opening up your
machine and particularly your SqueezeCenter to all and sundry.  If I
got hold of your dyndns address or name then I could simply start your
home squeezebox(s) playing anything from your library at any time, at
maximum volume.


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