alstein wrote:
> Hi
> I currently own a SB3 and have it connected to my Main AVR in my Den. I
> was considering purchasing an additional SB3 for use in my kitchen and
> possibly another SB3 for my bedroom. How does the duet change this
> scenareo. Two additional SB3's would include two remotes. It seems to
> me that in order to control the 2 receivers, I would need to move the
> remote controller from room to room. Also, I find the display on the
> SB3 essential. I assume that the controller's display replaces that on
> the receiver. But, again, if I am in one room and my wife is in
> another, then one controller seems insufficient - especially if there
> are relaively long distances between receivers. Am I missing something
> in the product description of the Duet?

No, you got it exactly right. It looks cheaper than the old setup but 
you'll soon want more controllers and end up paying more in the end. The 
marketing types love that kind of thing. You get a lot more 
functionality, though. I for one am pretty tired of squinting at my SB 


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