Well, I had contact with the Slim Devices support. The repair alone is
going to set me back USD 90, but on top of that, I need to get it to
the US. This is very disappointing, as with the Logitech acquisition,
one might hope a more global service.

I bought a second Squeezebox in Sydney, but if I cannot get local
support for repairs (and I don't think that two years and two weeks is
too much to expect for such a piece of equipment to keep functioning),
I will not buy any other Wireless Streamer from Logitech. As great as
these devices are, I need to be able to count on the support.

Adding the cost of shipment to the US to the repair costs, my
Squeezebox is a total loss. It is cheaper to buy a new one. 

Surely, sending some components and a set of technical diagrams should
enable the local Logitech technical staff to repair these units?



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