I'll give my two cents on the Duet.  :)

We have a couple of old slimp3's.  They worked well, but I wanted a
more integrated whole-house solution.  Something with a really nice
remote, rather than having to have squeezeboxes in visible display

I was going to be going with a NuVo Grand Concerto system.  I was a
little displeased with the fact that it couldn't stream off my
computer, and I couldn't do Internet radio -- and the fact that with
our high ceilings and no crawlspace/basement, it was going to be a bear
running the required cat5 through the walls vertically for the control

Now I'm really looking forward to the Duet.  I'm going to get two
Duets, and four additional receivers ultimately.  In the "media room,"
I'm going to be putting all the receivers in a group, and run them to a
multi-channel amp (a Channel Vision that has the really nice feature
that its channels are turned on with independent auto-music sense on a
channel-by-channel basis).  

Big advantages with this approach:

(1) I just have to run speaker wire in the attic to the ceiling
speakers -- not cat5 wire through the walls.

(2) I get Internet radio.

(3) Cheaper to boot, by a factor of about 1/2 -- and that's considering
the lowest price I could find on the Nuvo stuff (on ebay), at 50 cents
on the dollar.

So to me, the Duet is really going to be a homerun, so long as the s/w
works correctly, etc.  I love the "one remote controls multiple
receivers" strategy.  This was an issue for our back porch, as with the
Nuvo, I didn't want the control panel "exposed" outside, but didn't want
it inside either for convenience.  

As soon as the Duets come out, I'll be getting one as my "test system,"
to make sure everything works the way I hope it to, and then will be
springing for the additional units.  

My only big product wish now is for a squeezebox table radio, similar
to what the Roku boys have.  Would love to get one for my parents so
that they can listen to Polish radio in their house . . . .

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