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Omeriah;267279 Wrote: 
> 1. I don't think you can do this with a PC. But since I'm a business
> guy, not a tech guy, I could be wrong!
Yes, you're wrong. You can do it with a pc, and depending on the
application, setting up a pc is likely easier and definitely more
flexible than a NAS (and this is coming from someone happily running
SC7 on a LinkStation...). Just boot the pc, attach it to the network
(just like the other PCs on the network), turn on file sharing, and
leave the pc on.

> So there is an enormous amount of information but none of it is tied
> together and some of it is contradictory. He asks if anyone would be
> willing to post an NAS FAQ in the wiki.Actually Michael's first suggestion is 
> to "read instead of asking,"
because as you say, there already is a ton of information. This is a
pretty good start: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?SlimServer

In the end, I think your quest for NAS-based Squeezecenter is at odds
with your plea for a "user-friendly" Squeezecenter. It's not
impossible, but I doubt it would make everyone happy either. I'm glad
SD is looking into it, but I have to imagine they feel a bit chastened
from their earlier venture into NAS partners (the $1500 Infrant).

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