spc337;269117 Wrote: 
> Once the SB3 scrolling slows down, so does the overall responsiveness of
> the SB3.  What gives?

Having never seen this particular issue, I can only provide some
educated guesses.

Given that the overall responsiveness slows down, that implies a server
slowdown.  This could be caused by a number of things, depending on the
OS.  Off the top of my head, I'd look at the following:

For a Windows-based server, are you running an anti-virus package? 
When you see the SB3 performance drop, check to see if the AV software
is running an active scan... depending on the package, AV apps can
bring a system to a crawl.

For a Linux-based system, I'd make sure there isn't a cron job running
at the time(s) you experience the slowdown.  Linux tends to be less
"CPU-swamped" than Windows by most things, but tasks (like backups)
that take bandwidth might be able to cause this.

Can you provide some additional details?  Perhaps someone else in the
community can give you some additional areas to check, especially if
they have more information.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy
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