hi leuzi!

me neither, until a few days ago.

would you mind decribing a bit more of your setup?
-> wired? wireless?
-> common vorbis bitrates/q-levels and encoders you use?
-> mixed playlists? (mp3/vorbis/flac) how large are they typically?
-> do you use saved playlists or create them as needed manually?
-> do you let your SB play for hours at a time from a huge playlist or
manually keep changing the music?

btw. - i am currently trying the SBs wired and synched. (was a P.I.T.A.
to un-install them from their audio setups!) just a couple of minutes
ago, they stopped at the end of a song. display said "now playing" but
they weren't. at least they didnt freeze this time (odd, that) - i
pressed play on the remote and they started up again. re-playing the
same tracks was flawless, however...

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