slimkid;271241 Wrote: 
> Very honest question: Why?

It's a good day for gossiping/whining for me too :) So I'll give you a
short version from my pov. First, if Logitech became a MS company I
would not purchase more products either. It is not meant as a threat.
I've deliberately avoided MS products for 10+ years. 

Some of the major reasons reasons I have are for example the EU MS
antitrust-case, MS's seemingly unwillingness to listen to others than
themselves in the discussion around the Open Document Format, the
"threats" towards the free software-community regarding patents.
Furthermore MS does not seem to learn from their mistakes. A while ago
they where sued by Opera for basically the same as they got fined for
in the EU case. In general I do not approve of the closeness of their
business model. I also think that some of their informational campaigns
are giving wrong information, such as their recent anti-piracy campaign.

It's not black and white I know, but MS is a company which I do not
endorse based on my knowledge, and consequently I do not buy their


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