blakeh;271655 Wrote: 
> I spent about 18 months ripping each of my 5,300 CDs into FLAC format
> and I never really thought of it as much of a chore.  I guess I saw it
> as a fun way to re-visit my CD collection one last time before I went
> all digital.  Even if you made a goal of ripping 10 CDs per day (which
> would take around 20-30 minutes), you could rip a 3,600+ CD collection
> in a year.  In the meantime you'd still have your CDs to pop in your CD
> player for listening purposes.
> Granted, it took some time to tag them correctly and add cover art (I
> had to scan about 1,000 covers in that weren't available online) but
> what I'm left with is a searchable, lossless collection of all my music
> with catalog numbers, country of origin, record label information and
> cover art.
> The Squeezebox has made it so much easier to listen to music.  And I'm
> eagerly awaiting the new remote so that I can view cover art while the
> music is playing.
> P.S. There is absolutely *NO WAY* I would ever send my discs to another
> company to rip.  That sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.  I guess
> I might consider it if my collection was available for replacement at
> Best Buy, but I would venture a guess that most of us have discs that
> are no longer in print and simply cannot be replaced if the ripping
> company should lose or damage them.

I must say the ripping was my least favorite part. The second least
favorite part was adding album art and tweaking tags. Adding replay
gain was not so painful since it can be done flawlessly in large

I still think Slim would be wise to include thier own, super simple to
use ripper/tagger/replay gain-er that is fully automated and does it
all in one step. 

I talked my neighbor into buying a SB3 a year ago. The ripping and
tagging was a daunting task for him, so he hired his very reliable and
honest son to do it for $0.25 a disc. 2000 CDs. I helped him set up EAC
and at that point, it was monkey work. It cost him $500 and the kid
thought he died and went to heaven. It comes out to about $3 an hour. 
I think most everyone on the board is worth more than 3 bucks and
hour... Maybe you don't have a reliable son looking for easy money, but
I bet you can find one if you ask your friends and neighbors.

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