I love the cover art. I think it is in fact one (maybe the only?)
negative aspect of the conversion to all digital. It is a lost art. I
use the nokia as a controller and really enjoy seeing the cover art of
the song I am plying. In fact, since Color TFTs are so cheap these
days, I'd love a SB with a huge TFT display (like as big as the old
12"x 12" album would be so cool). Then the cover art would sit there,
huge for all to see, and change as each new song gets played. 

It would be just like the old vinyl days (except now the music is
flawless and immediately retrievable!). Ever go to a radio station back
in the day and watch a DJ doing his thing? Or go to a dance club with
the DJ spinning vinyl? They always prop up the album cover for the few
people watching and they can mentally link the art with the song. Its

Music for me goes hand in hand with memories. The cover art is part of
what brings back the memories....

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