I am very surprised (to say the least) that multiple participants
(me included) which reported disconnection problems got no response
from SlimDevices people on this forum. I checked quite a few messages
which describe those problems and usually the only response are from
other participants advising to turn on anti-virus software , assign
static IP etc. 

May be I missed it but I couldn't find a single answer from Slim
Devices person which is very disappointing. Month or so ago I asked if
it's possible to develop/enable a connectin log - letter below (feature
that some other music servers have, so it's not impossible to develop),
but got no answer.

May be somebody from SlimDevices would step in and adress these
disconnection issues on the forum ?


Hi !

I have problems with my two SB3 sometimes got disconnected from
SlimServer (but not from SqueezeNetwork). Most likely it's a problem
with my old laptop I use as a file server - I start to suspect
additional security software I run on it - SpySweeper from Webroot
might somehow cause it or Norton AntiVirus or ZoneAlarm firewall, but I
don't know for sure (since it live it open 24/7 I would like to have
some protection on it)

I was wondering if any tool/plugin exists in or outside of SlimServer
which can log the history of SBs connections (in particular if
connections was interrupted - when it happen and possible reason).

If not, may be somebody from developers can give an estimate based on
SS knowledge - if it's possible to develop at all and how difficult it
might be.

May be they already have such a tool but for internal purposes of
debugging/testing ?

If so may be it's possible to get it and use it ?
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