flipside;277376 Wrote: 
> Hi im given to understand that this cannot be done on the current setup
> is that correct ?

> This isn't a total deal breaker for me right now but it would be nice
> to know that there are plans afoot to change it and if possible some
> insight into why it cant be done , how much change is needed to correct
> it and a vague time frame .
The sync mechanism was recently overhauled but alas gapless wasn't
added at that point. From what I've read it's considered a pretty big
task but it is something which has been discussed in the past and a
number of people (myself included) would very much like it to be done.

The technical issue used to be that the track breaks were used to
resync players which had drifted during playback, hence they all had to
stop and resync. However the new model resyncs during playback, so I'm
not sure why the gap is still there to be honest.

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