ajmitchell;277304 Wrote: 
> Further to this idea of scrolling as the main advantage. Can you scroll
> without album art, thus seeing many more lines at a time? In  fact how
> many lines of songs can you see on the controller's screen? (I dont see
> any screen shots of this). Also is th menu structure exasctly the same
> as that in the 7.0 squeezebox SC displays eg music library > playlists
> > etc.

I've been on the beta programme for quite a while, so some

I was never keen on album art - 75% of my music is classical, and who
wants to see some old fogey?  However, I have now got really into it -
it does add a lot of 'tangibleness' to browsing.  At the moment you
can't turn art off.

If you browse by album, you just get 4 lines, with art.  However,
browsing by artist you get 9 (no art), then 4 albums with art once you
choose the artist.

The Controller is better than iPeng on the iTouch.  In earlier times
iPeng was better, but recent developments on scrolling and battery life
have been firmly in the Controller's favour!

The menu options are Music Library then artists, albums, genres, years,
new music, random mix, music folder, playlists and search.  Just what
you get on the web interface.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES
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