danco;287361 Wrote: 
> I suppose that an individual buying the Sonos on a visit to the USA
> would probably need to ship. For the Squeezebox, this could probably be
> taken in one's personal baggage, so no shipping (I have done this).
> By the way, jaffacake, I liked your latest suggestion in the AVS
> forums. Namely, get a couple of both systems on the thirty-day approval
> and test which you prefer.

You can actually get both in baggage, it's been done. Not delaring to
customs, however, is technically smuggling and your liabilty to HM
Customs & Excise does not end the moment you get to the other end of
the green channel in the airport.

It's simply not reasonable to compare pricing based on smuggling kit
illegally into the country.

One the issues with shipping in hand baggage is with ditching the
packaging. If there is a warranty issue, you'll need to ship it back to
the place of purchase and you no longer have a suitable box in which to
do it. Nothing is as good as the original packaging.

Glad you like my idea, a 30-day home trial need not just apply to one

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