-=> Jim,

I have absolutely no desire to waste my time defending myself against
false accusation and speculation.

Robin Bowes, and others, are attacking me with untruths and guesswork.

This is damaging to my reputation yet you choose to allow it to remain
within your forums. I can only assume that it may be commercially
advantageous to yourself to allow the name of one who posts a negative
review of your product to be tarnished in such an incorrect and
unnecessary manner.

I am a Sonos owner and I have made this more than clear in directly
competitive threads on forums such as avsforums.com:


Readers will note that even with this early disclosure on page one of
the thread, I will still attacked by Slim forum users not once, but
twice in that thread questioning my intentions. Whilst you can't be
help responsible for content held in other, 3rd party, forums - it
should be noted that those offensive posts link back to the content
here on these official Slim Devices forums. Content that you clearly
feel is entirely suitable and within your forum guidelines.

Your house, your rules, I'm just very surprised and disappointed.

jaffacake's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3206
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=45734

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