davidmac27;289701 Wrote: 
>  After a few seconds it blinks red slowly and then if you keep holding
> for another 3 or so seconds, it starts blinking red quickly.  Is there
> a difference between these two modes?  If so, you need to clarify for
> users or this could be causing problems.  I always hold the button
> until I see a fast blink.

Slow red is a soft reset; fast red is a factory reset.

> Note to developers, PMs, marketing, and Slim executives.  I have been
> working as a Product Manager in high tech companies for almost 15 years
> (Intel, Xircom, and a slew of telephony start-ups).  I have been
> involved in numerous 3rd party software betas (Win95-XP) and hardware
> betas.  I'm even in charge of running beta programs.  The Squeezebox
> Duet is by far the most unstable product I have ever used in my entire
> life. It reminds me of several Alpha stage devices.  It is very
> disappointing to see such an immature product released.  In fact, it is
> perhaps very telling about the state of affairs at Logitech/Slim
> Devices.  I cannot see any respectable product development team
> releasing such a bug-ridden product.  Was there pressure by upper
> management to get this thing out the door before the end of the quarter
> to make the numbers?  The Duet has sooo much going for it.  It is just a
> shame that you had to release this thing in the state that it is in.

I've been at this for a few more years than you and have seen my share
of bad products go out the door at several companies.  I know enough to
know that any short-term gain from rushing a product out is more than
offset by the ill-will and expense associated with a bad experience.

While you have no reason to believe me, I can assure you that we did
not release a bug-ridden product.  You can see all of our reported bugs
at bugs.slimdevices.com -- there are 26 open bugs marked with a severity
of Major, Critical, or Blocker and only 4 of these are not yet fixed or

The number of customers with problems posting on our forums is a
*fractional* percentage of the installed products.  As our 2nd-tier
technical support group is under my department, I see their incident
reports and there is nothing more than the expected increase in calls
that you would have with any new product launch.

That's not to say you're not experiencing a problem, but you are a
corner case.  With your level of experience you should know that.  You
should also know that it is literally impossible to test every possible
combination of hardware and software that gets used in the field.  We
use internal and external testing programs to try to minimize the
number of problems, but there will always be something unique out there
that wreaks havoc with any given product.

Have you contacted our technical support group?  It's entirely possible
that you have a unit with an intermittent failure on the wireless card,
or some other problem.  If I were an agent, I would have already
provided an RMA for your unit and I know our team would have done the
same thing.  I'd really like to have your particular product back here
for analysis -- please contact me via email (see my profile for my
email address) and I will have one of my support agents issue you an

You're painting the product and the team (both here and in the
community) with a very wide brush, when the reality is that the vast
majority of customers are not having the same level of difficulty you
are.  I'm not trying to trivialize the problems you're experiencing,
but I can say without equivocation that your experience is far from the

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy
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