Philip Meyer;299687 Wrote: 
> I really can't see what everyone's problems are with compilation tags. 
> It's quite simple.  SqueezeCenter applies good sensible logic for
> determining compilation albums, if the user hasn't set up their own
> compilation tags.  This is better than all other apps, that don't
> auto-calculate, and require tags to be set.
> It really is no hassle at all to set COMPILATION=1 on all various
> artist albums.  People using other apps have probably done this
> already, to get the other apps working correctly.
> I expect the vast majority of users don't set differing artist
> information.  Most tagging apps that read information from internet
> resources, such as freedb, will set all songs to have the same artist
> (and thus SC will not decide it to be a compilation album), or will set
> the album to be a compilation.
> <snip>
> SqueezeCenter VA logic also handles the "Greatest Hits" problem, for
> libraries that are organised in different ways. There may be many
> artists in a collection that have a "Greatest Hits" album; great
> lengths were made to correctly NOT merge them into one "Greatest Hits"
> compilation album. Any change in guessing compilation albums needs to
> remember all of the fixes in the logic that have been applied that
> solve many REAL support problems that have happened over the years. 
With you 100% on this Phil. After reading this thread I went back and
checked my tags, because my VA works and I couldn't remember whether or
not I had set compilation tags. Turns out I hadn't. And it all Just

So to get back to the question in the OP, I'd have to answer yes. Does
the OP need something else? Maybe. But please don't break what already
works out of the box.

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