On 9-May-08, at 11:37 PM, JJZolx wrote:

> kdf;300675 Wrote:
>> On 9-May-08, at 10:09 PM, JJZolx wrote:
>>> Does this make any bloody sense to anyone?
>> I'm thinking that anyone who had even ONE braincell willing to think
>> about this issue and actually make something happen..
>> lost that braincell in the three threads going on incessantly about
>> the same thing with the same points over and over.
>> if anyone comes out of this with a point, please do us all a favour
>> and make it...then kill anyone who keeps muttering on about the same
>> points.
> Kevin, hitting the bottle a little hard tonight? ;-)  Have fun...

Just fed up Jim.  I mean really.  I got used to your kind of venom,  
but this kind of trolling is another league altogether.
No one taking part is actually capable of DOING anything.  gotta make  
you wonder.

surely it's a sad thing that the effect anyone might want is wholly  
lost.  Even worse that other threads suffer as well.  others like me,  
who might be capable of actually making changes, have had to simply  
delete entire DAYS of emails just because it's not worth filtering  

But, if you'd like to write it off as something so banal as  
drink...well, Jim...feel free to cough up code of your own to  
compensate for those you've caused to walk away. Frankly, I'm starting  
to value sleep far more than reading this crap, or even filtering it  
out from the rest.  The free gear isn't worth it.

Those who actually monitor the forum and actually CARE about the the  
productivity of volunteer coders, take note.  Some things go too far.

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