Bottom line is the ReadyNAS is NEVER going to make a decent Slimserver
host, no matter what you do, it simply doesn't have the grunt for the
job.  If you're after a fast NAS that can comfortably handle SC have a
look at the Thecus N5200PRO - my library is now >90k tracks and SC
remains pretty responsive.

I'm interested in your suggestions re improving the underlying database
design to increase performance.  Are you willing to install SC on your
MAC and to put say four tracks on it from two different albums (best
include a compilation album in that mix) and then to examine the
underlying DB to see how it hangs together?  If you find gross
inefficiencies and addressing them doesn't mean too many changes to
underlying code (other than SQL statements) then the developers may
well be willing to make the necessary changes.  I for one would be
delighted, because overall I do agree, the DB's performance just isn't
what it should be given what's involved.  If you're willing to do the
analysis and post your findings in the developers forum, you may just
get traction.


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