cwinson;303471 Wrote: 
> Found a solution:
> Installed lame.exe and set the file type setting. Can now stream music
> to wmp.
> Next problem - I can play music files, but can't control them with any
> certainty from the web interface (and presumable from the duet
> controller when it arrives). Looks like the mp3 stream is getting
> heavily buffered at the client side, so if I skip tracks, it's too late
> as it's already been sent and queued
> Chris

Hi Chris,

The Duet won't be streaming the same way. Everything will be going down
as FLAC. The response of the controller is (in my experience) sub-second
and the buffer in the receiver will only be apparent if you stop SC
abnormally.. players will continue for several seconds.

Skipping will be as responsive.

I had experimented with streaming to Winamp remotely and the problems
you talk about were very apparent.. different setup with Slim

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