pski;303793 Wrote: 
> The Duet won't be streaming the same way. Everything will be going down
> as FLAC. The response of the controller is (in my experience) sub-second
> and the buffer in the receiver will only be apparent if you stop SC
> abnormally.. players will continue for several seconds.
> Skipping will be as responsive.

No it won't.

Above, he said:

> Reason I'm testing this is I'd like to use a Rivo Pico Wi-Fi as an
> additional player for the kitchen. Has anyone tried one of these? I've
> read that Blik Radiostation works fine, so hoping this is the case for
> the Pico.

So the streaming to the Rivo Pico will be exactly the same when he gets
his Duet as it is now being controlled from the web interface.

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