Sike;308917 Wrote: 
> Yes you need to forward the 3483 port to your server as well. I have
> TCP/UDP forwarded, but I have never tested if it realy needs both.

An alternative to softsqueeze is to use a media player on the remote
system that is capable of playing a stream given a URL, such as WinAmp.
In this usage scenario, port 3483 doesn't have to be forwarded.

On the remote end, you open up
http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9000/stream.mp3

- Don't have to install Java and Softsqueeze
- Lighter weight
- You can use with multiple servers behind a NAT.  You can configure
each server with a different port (9000), but you can't change the 3483

On the web page for squeezecenter on your system, on the help screen
you will find a link for "remote streaming".  This has some good info
and could be a starting point for your Wiki.

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