rdefelice;312837 Wrote: 
> If you have darwinports installed, you can get it that way.  See 
> http://faad2.darwinports.com/ for more info.
> If you prefer not to use darwinports and have the developer tools
> installed, you can download the source code from
> http://www.audiocoding.com/downloads.html.  Once you grab the zip or
> the .tar.gz file, you can decompress it and follow the instructions in
> the README.linux file.  I just confirmed it compiles just fine in OSX
> for me.
> Once you install it, change your convert.conf so that it uses faad
> instead of mov123 under the "mov mp3 * *" entry.  Also, you might need
> to play with the -r and -x flags in the lame usage flags depending on
> what byte order faad outputs on your system. 
> -r

As a matter of fact I have darwinports installed :)

But did I get it right that by using faad I will re-encode to MP3? I
really don't want to do this...

While we are at it: How does SC decide which entry in the convert.conf
to use? I can setup multiple decoding entries for a single file type
(same thing in the SC webinterface, where I have three choices per
filetype). How do I tell which one is being used?

Thanks, btw...

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