funkahdafi;312846 Wrote: 
> As a matter of fact I have darwinports installed :)
> But did I get it right that by using faad I will re-encode to MP3? I
> really don't want to do this...
> While we are at it: How does SC decide which entry in the convert.conf
> to use? I can setup multiple decoding entries for a single file type
> (same thing in the SC webinterface, where I have three choices per
> filetype). How do I tell which one is being used?
> Thanks, btw...

I may be wrong (please someone speak up if I am), but I believe that SC
decides which transcoding option to use based on the capabilities of the
player and a few rules.  For players that don't natively support AAC I
think it prefers to go mov->mp3 rather than mov->wav to reduce the
amount of data streaming over the network to the player from SC. 
Streaming uncompressed audio over the network might choke a slower wifi
network, for example.  You can create custom rules for certain players
given the player name and/or mac address if you want to force it to
stream a certain format to a specific player, but I don't really know
how to make a certain format the default.

The easiest way I know of to tell what SC is doing for transcoding is
to look at the running processes while a song is playing.  If faad and
lame are both running, chances are it's doing mov->mp3.  I'm sure
there's an easier way, but I don't know what it is yet.


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