Anyone got anywhere with this problem?

I decided to try synchronising my players today -first time i've ever
tried it.  My players (2 x SB2 on wireless & 1 SB3 on ethernet) were
fine individually (7.0.1 SC) before.  Now I've just got a new laptop so
I logged on to this to set SC to synchoronise the players.  Then tried
playing a track & the whole network hung.  I spotted an error mesage on
my laptop saying I had assigned a duplicate IP on the laptop which
clashed with one of the wireless SBs.

No prbs I thought -I changed the IP & re-booted laptop. Turned router
off & on & re-started network.  

But now the SB that had the IP clash will not play at all.  It stutters
a little but the buffer remains fimly at 0% or 1%.  Signal strength is
fine at 60%. It was all working fine before this.  The other wireless
player (which incidentally is several rooms away so has a worse signal)
is fine.  The wired player is fine.

Somewhere the system is hung up with this player.  The symptoms sound
like those that others have posted.  When I do network test on this one
player every level fails.  On the other players it is fine.

I've tried doing a hard re-set on the SB2 concerned and setting up from
scratch.  No change.  So I guess the problem is at the server end.  I'm
sure a re-install would solve the problem but I'd rather try & get to
the bottom of this if possible.  

Anyone able to suggest if there are any files I could clear out on the
server to get it working again?  I seem to recall a 'drop player'
option at 6.5 but cant find it at 7.0.1  



SB3,Perpetual Technologies P1-A/P3-A,Naim82 + 4xNaim135, Martin Logan
ntom's Profile:
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