ntom;314207 Wrote: 
> Don't know if this will help anyone else but I've cleared my problem.
> I tried evrything I could think of: re-start router, server,
> squeezebox, hard re-set of SB, changed IP adress, turned DHCP on,
> forced re-load of firmware etc etc and nothing worked -all to no
> avail.
> Eventually I tried connecting by ethernet & it was fine -did a network
> test & rock solid 100% on every level.  Disconnected from ethernet &
> re-connected via wireless & hey presto fully functioning again -100% at
> 5000kbps.
> So somehow this cleared the block straightened out the hang-up wherever
> it was.
> Hope this helps someone out there to track down whats happening. 
> Before I did this it was totally non-functioning -the buffer just never
> filled or filled so slowly that it would play a fraction of a second &
> then pause.
> Edit:  Every time I try synchronising players the same thing happens. 
> One of the players becomes unusable with nothing appearing to clear the
> error.
Very interesting, indeed !
I have the same problem with my Transporter, but my SB3 works fine.
I have unchecked any synchronizations (they were ON), and we'll see.


"To nobody, except those who will take pleasure here"
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