Thanks for all the responses. I'll try to answer your Qs:

Using Squeezecenter 7.0. Just the basic windows firewall incorporated
in XP. There are a few virus scanners I use but I'll have to post the
names later as I am at work presently.

I don't stream internet radio. I just send flac and wave to SB2.

I have cable internet service that is published at7mb down and I think
512kb up. Once I installed the optimal config as mentioned in post #1,
the speed was very fast. I'll do a speed test at home if I can get the
connection up.

I think the patch cable is good. I have swapped the shorter cables out
between the modem, router and voip for new ones. The longer cable
between the router and the PC has not been changed...but then again SB2
always works regardless if my access to web and vonage are down or up.
So this cable works fine. 

As far as dynamic or static IPs, this is where I am less conversant.
The SB's IP is definitely dynamic. I'm not sure about the IPs for the
server PC (on which SC is loaded) and Vonage box. 

I had everything running perfectly for a week (without SB cable plugged
into the router). Then I plugged it in but did not use SB. Still worked
fine. Only when I turned on the stereo and listened through SB did the
Web and VOIP go down. Did this 2x now.

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