Phil Leigh wrote:

> Well, Pat...I guess as you are doing a MAC/IP bind that's sort of an
> alternate way of locking things down...neat. Kind of like DHCP
> "one-shot" :o)

Yes, and its easy with the usual DHCP daemons that come with all the
usual Linux distros.

I do a lot of wireless networking stuff for my day job. WiFi, bluetooth,
zigbee, etc. And I've developed a complete flaming reaction to boxes
that setup themselves as and turn on DHCP. I've had
different boxes from different vendors do it so often it makes me mad as
hell and I'll not going to take it any more.

This is also a prime reason I run my subnet on 172.16.4.*
so that when I see a 192.168.*.*, I know its some fascist box trying to
ruin my day.

Pat Farrell

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