I'm sorry that I haven't been active in the Snowdrift project since
those couple weeks long ago. I'd be happy to join such a list, and
help out in ways that don't require dedicating regular allotments of
time, like giving design feedback.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Michael Siepmann
<m...@techdesignpsych.com> wrote:
> In Monday's meeting we discussed the idea of building a panel of people who
> have at least some familiarity with Snowdrift.coop and who are willingness
> to receive occasional invitations to provide user feedback, e.g. on
> prototype designs for specific aspects of the site that are not introductory
> in nature - such as how pledging to a project is handled and represented,
> etc.  (Aspects that are introductory are of course best tested on people who
> are not yet familiar with Snowdrift.coop.)
> This could be done as an additional one-directional mailing list, like the
> existing Announce list.  To make it as effortless as possible to get on the
> list, it would be best if people could either add themselves to it or be
> added to it by a Snowdrift.coop team member after having given permission,
> e.g. on the volunteer form or on a sign up sheet at a conference booth, etc.
> A possible list name and description on
> https://lists.snowdrift.coop/mailman/listinfo would be:
> Feedback Panel   |   Requests for participation in feedback activities to
> help make Snowdrift.coop more effective
> If we get something like this set up, then we can discuss various ways of
> inviting people to get on the list.  For example, it could be a checkbox on
> the volunteer interest form.
> Thoughts?
> Best,
> Michael
> --
> Michael Siepmann, Ph.D.
> The Tech Design PsychologistTM
> Shaping technology to help people flourishTM
> 303-835-0501   TechDesignPsych.com   OpenPGP: 6D65A4F7
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