On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 02:45:20PM -0800, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 01/27/2016 02:29 PM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> > Each Etherpad pad uses 60-100MB of memory when someone has it
> > open. Right now there are four open pads, using a total of 27% of
> > the system's memory.
> > 
> > I don't know if we can stand for that. Options? Thoughts?
> > 
> Naive non-tech-thought: That's kinda crazy. Is that costing us any
> extra money? It doesn't use extra to have multiple people on the
> same pad does it? Maybe we can check with norms about memory use for
> etherpad and determine whether Sandstorm is adding memory. If
> Etherpad would be the same either way, then it's just how it is and
> we need to avoid excessive use of it…

It's not costing money yet, but if we want to have more than half a
dozen documents and not experience lots of thrashing (= terrible
performance) we'd have to move to a more expensive EC2 instance.

Agreed we should find out if Etherpad is any better on its own, though
it would be kind of a shame.

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