On 03/14/2016 11:49 AM, Mica Semrick wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> I will be doing some work on these! Unfortunately my schedule does not
> permit me to attend any meetings, so these types of mails are very
> useful to me.
> I'd like to touch base with anyone else who is going to author/edit. Let
> me know who you are!
> Best,
> mica

Great, Mica! Thanks for the note. I hope others will weigh in, but I
will clarify that I will be involved in authoring the content on the
pages that communicate thins about the project such as /about and
/how-it-works and related.

Overall, our plan is to get all the tasks and items sorted in Open
Project at http://shovel.snowdrift.coop (unless we decide soon to
consider a different project management tool, we're looking a little at
https://taiga.io ). Once that's better organized, it will make it
easiest for everyone to get to work on things.


> On March 14, 2016 11:35:58 AM PDT, Bryan Richter <br...@snowdrift.coop>
> wrote:
>     Below is a list of all the pages needed for launch. Aaron and I looked
>     at most of them and brainstormed what they needed to be complete. I
>     added completion percentage numbers to all of them, which are pleasant
>     little fictions.
>     What would be *lovely* is to somehow get this information added into
>     OpenProject. Any ideas how best to do that?
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Here is a summary (actual are tasks listed further below):
>         [XXXX] /u       [unprocessed]
>         [XXXX] /u/#user [unprocessed]
>         [  0%] /about
>         [  0%] /about/contact
>         [  0%] /about/team
>         [  0%] /about/press
>         [  0%] /dashboard
>         [  0%] /transactions
>         [  0%] /pledges
>         [  1%] /how-it-works/sustainable-funding
>         [  1%] /how-it-works/co-op
>         [  5%] /how-it-works/network-effect
>         [  5%] /p/snowdrift
>         [ 15%]
>     /how-it-works/flo
>         [ 30%] /p
>         [ 50%] Auth Subsite
>         [ 60%] /terms
>         [ 60%] /privacy
>         [ 60%] /trademarks
>         [ 60%] /how-it-works
>         [ 75%] /donate
>         [ 75%] /sponsors
>         [ 75%] /honor-pledge
>         [ 95%] /merchandise
>         [ 95%] /search
>         [100%] /welcome
>         [100%] /js-licenses
>         [100%] Static Subsite
>         [100%] /favicon
>         [100%] /robots.txt
>     Using some totally untrustworthy math (an unweighted average), this puts
>     total completion at ~ 40%.
>     This is just *pages*. It doesn't take into account any of the
>     architecture components, like the funding mechanism, notifications,
>     and the CSS layout and typography frameworks.
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Here is the full list of tasks we brainstormed:
>     - Pages
>       - /welcome
>       - /terms
>         - content exists as Markdown
>     - /privacy
>         - content exists as Markdown
>       - /trademarks
>         - content exists as Markdown
>       - /donate
>         - Is interim page; may disappear with launch
>         - Add Ikomi's bullet style from master
>         - Fix missing wiki links: "volunteering"
>         - Remove alpha warning
>       - /merchandise
>         - Fix missing wiki link: "volunteering"
>       - /sponsors
>         - Needs user data from prod database
>       - /js-licenses
>       - /honor-pledge
>         - Fix missing wiki links: "conduct", "honor-users", "honor".
>       - /how-it-works
>         - Needs Communications work (same with all subpages below)
>       - /how-it-works/flo
>         - Will reference wiki content: "economics", "snowdrift",
>           "project-requirements"
>       - /how-it-works/network-effect
>       - /how-it-works/sustainable-funding
>       - /how-it-works/co-op
>       - /about
>       - /about/contact
>       - /about/team
>       - /about/press
>       - /search
>     - Discussion needed: get UX consensus on its existence for launch
>       - Auth Subsite
>         - Add /reset-passpharse, /create-account, /change-passphrase,
>           /user-reset-passphrase to page.
>       - /dashboard
>       - /transactions
>       - /pledges
>       - /p
>         - Needs messaging: "Coming soon"
>         - Will take concepts from wiki page "project-requirements"
>       - /p/snowdrift
>         - Needs working mechanism
>         - Needs Communication updates
>         - Discussion needed: Do we need /p/snowdrift/updates and
>           /p/snowdrift/transactions?!?
>       - Static Subsite
>       - /favicon
>       - /robots.txt
>     - Post-launch followup
>       - Consider removing /donate
>       - Consider redesign for /sponsors
>       - Update/prune list of JS libraries on /js-licenses
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Discuss mailing list
>     Discuss@lists.snowdrift.coop
>     https://lists.snowdrift.coop/mailman/listinfo/discuss
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> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.snowdrift.coop
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